Some passions never die; they just go dormant for a decade and a half.
I learned to play guitar at age 14. For the next 16-plus years, my guitar went pretty much wherever I did. Then, one night when I was in my early 30s, I put my guitar back in her case after a short session, and literally never took her out for the better part of 16 years. For some reason, life got in the way of what had been one of my most consistent passions since adolescence.
Fast forward to five years ago, when, being in between jobs and with nothing to do, I decided to open that guitar case. Despite being discolored from age, my guitar still sounded pristine, and my fingers began reacquainting with the fretboard--a second honeymoon that would last another two years. Then, in December of 2018, hoping to get my son hooked on the instrument, my wife and I thought it might be a good idea to get him an electric guitar.
Someone got hooked alright... and it wasn't my son!
On that fateful day, I was struck with an insane obsession for guitars (which I would eventually find to be so globally common that it actually has an unofficial name: Gear Acquisition Syndrome, or GAS). Since then, I managed to accumulate a collection of guitars and guitar-related gear that makes no sense at all, considering that the only audiences I've ever played for are the flies on the walls and, on very rare occasions, a small number of family and friends.
But then again, in the words of my wife, at least this hobby keeps me at home. So it all works out well for everyone.
So anyway, here's a clip of me attempting to cover the guitar solo to "My Love" by Wings. Because you never outgrow your rock star fantasies.
P.S. - all credits go to the rights owners; I claim no rights whatsoever to the music in this video.
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